Kia Herbal Tea

Stomach Ease

For those who love a STOMACH EASE every day. A blend of spicy ginger with soothing peppermint finished...

Stay Healthy

Looking to STAY HEALTHY every day. Authentic Echinacea and crisp lemon with a smooth relaxing herbal end note...

Sleep Calm

Every day is better after an amazing night of SLEEP CALM. Calming, caffeine-free, full-bodied floral lavender flavor...

Sugar Balance

Taking time to care for SUGAR BALANCE every day. Sweet and spicy cinnamon top notes with smooth balanced sweet..

Sip Beauty

Isn't it nice to know you SIP BEAUTY every day? Rich fruity flavored and blueberry sweetness made smooth and delicious...

Lemon & Ginger

Each ingredient has been carefully selected by the Kia family to deliver an uncompromised tea experience...


Our chamomile has been carefully selected by the Kia family to deliver an uncompromised quality tea experience...


Our peppermint has been carefully selected by the Kia family to deliver an uncompromised quality tea experience...

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